Mommy had her turn to make something yummy. Now it was my turn. I wanted to make something from my possibilities list, the plum fruit leather. It was an extrememly simple recipe, but it was an exercise in patience. I roasted the plums in the oven for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. I added them with sugar and Chambord to the food processor. I poored it onto the Silpat and let it bake at 170 degrees with the oven cracked open to dry it out, but to avoid baking. It only took about SIX hours.. and it wasn't even completely dry. It sat overnight and dried up enough to cut into long ribbons of fruit leather.
Until I poured the leather on the Silpat, mommy had no clue what I was making, even though she was sitting with me all along. She had thought I said lather, but she didn't know what I meant. She also didn't try to question me. Luckily, I started to explain leather and it started to click-ish.
At Home
With Mommy