In my honest opinion, one of the best late-night home activities is baking. That's not to say that I am a confident baker by any means.
I decided to make a few desserts - lemon bars, cheesecake and cookies - to package up and drop off. The one I was most excited about was these heart thumbprint cookies. I had seen photo on Instagram (where else?!) and wanted to whip up a batch.
This recipe made me about 60 cookies and I wasn't upset about it. I eagerly shaped and formed each cookie. And while the cookies baked, I made the lemon bars..
My work and cleanup ended at midnight, where I promptly ate 4 of the delicious-smelling and delicious-tasting cookies. If you were wondering, no, I didn't;t make cheesecake, too. Talk about a cavity in the making!
I hope Christina and Carl enjoyed the drop offs!

At Home